5th Hole

Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole 4 Hole 5 Hole 6 Hole 7 Hole 8 Hole 9
Hole 10 Hole 11 Hole 12 Hole 13 Hole 14 Hole 15 Hole 16 Hole 17 Hole 18
Course Layout

Playing Tips

A slight dog-leg left from an elevated tee. A southerly breeze will encourage a tee shot hit to the left of centre into tree trouble, while a similar fate awaits anything to far right. A ball finding the right of centre will be rewarded with a clear shot to the green.

Tee Par Index Distance (m)
Blue 4 11 324
White 4 11 315
Red 4 9 315






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