General Membership Info


Full Members (7 Day Playing Rights) Age discounts apply to Under 40s
6 Day Members (6 Day Playing Rights excluding Saturdays)
Five-Day Members (5 Day Playing Rights excluding weekends)
Intermediate Members (7 Day Playing Rights) - Aged 21 to 24 at 1st March
Junior Members (7 Day Playing Rights) - Aged 18 to 20 / Aged 14-17 / Aged Under 14 at 1st March
Pay as you Play Members (7 Day Playing Rights upon payment of Member's Guest Green Fee)
Seasonal Members (7 Day Playing Rights for nominated 6 months of the Membership Year)
Social Members ( No Playing Rights - Clubhouse Rights Only)


The Berwick Montuna Golf Club conducts a number of competitions in which new members are encouraged to participate:


Separate Men and Ladies Competition
Tee off time for the Men & Ladies is from sunrise - 1:30pm


Open Competition
Competition open from sunrise - 12:30pm


Men's Mid-Week Competition (known as 'The Olds and Bolds').
Tee off time Sunrise - 9.30am


Ladies Mid-Week Competition
Tee off time 7:30am - 9:45am (Vary with seasons)


Open Mid-Week Competition
Tee off time Sunrise - 9:30am
Green Jacket Competition - Hit Off from Noon (meet in Clubhouse prior)


Open Time Sheet - Ball Competition (play at any time during the day)

Complaint Process

All complaints are to be made in writing to the General Manager of the Club who will refer the matter to the Board of Management within seven days.
No member of the club shall directly reprimand an employee of the Berwick Montuna Golf Club.


Foursomes: Two players play as partners and use one ball. The partners tee off alternately from the tee and thereafter strike the ball alternately during the play at each hole. Half combined handicap.

Mixed Foursomes: Are played in the same manner as foursomes, except ladies use their own tees. It is usual for the male member to hit off the odd numbered tees and the lady member to hit off the even numbered tees. Handicap is 1/2 of combined handicap.

N.B. In Mixed Foursomes Championships played over two rounds, players must change tees after the first round. The male partner plays from the odd tees in the first round and the even tees in the second round. Canadian Foursomes: Played as above except that both players play tee shots at every hole and afterwards continue with whichever ball they nominate. Handicap 3/8 of combined handicap.

American Foursomes: (Also known as Pinehurst). Both players play a tee shot at each hole, then play a second shot with their partner's ball, one ball is then selected and play proceeds as in foursomes with the owner of the ball selected playing the third stroke. Handicap 3/8 of combined handicap.

Chapman Foursomes: Both players play two(2) shots at each hole with their own ball. One ball is then selected and play proceeds as in foursomes with the partner of the owner of the ball playing the third shot. Handicap 3/8 of combined handicap.

Ambrose 3's or 4's: All players tee off with their own ball, then select the best ball, the other players drop a ball within 1 club length of the chosen ball and all play their next shot. This continues to the completion of the hole.


The winner of the days competition will receive Pro Shop Account credit, a voucher or a prize.  The voucher can be used in the Pro Shop.  Prizes are given to the winner of the nearest the pin (NTP).  Balls are given down the line. Special Event Competitions are held throughout the year and these are listed in the Booking section of the MiClub online members portal.


New members who do not have a handicap are required to complete three 18 hole cards with a stroke score recorded for each hole played.  These 3 cards are to be submitted at either the Pro Shop or the Club's Office.  Once a handicap has been allocated, details are sent to Golf Link who will send you a golf link card which then becomes your membership card and can be used to enter all club competitions via the the Pro Shop.  Members new to golf will be required to play a "Competition Ready" round once they receive their new handicap to ensure they are Comp Ready.  Staff in the Pro Shop will be happy to assist with any enquiries.  Note the Club does not accept "social" (non competition) scores for handicapping.


The Berwick Montuna Golf Club has three "slope" rated courses as follows:
Men's BLUE measuring 5,006 metres with a Par of 69, a Scratch Rating of 67 and a Slope Rating of 114
Men's WHITE measuring 4,707 metres with a Par of 69, a Scratch Rating of 66 and a Slope Rating of 110
Ladies' RED measuring 4,707 metres with a Par of 69, a Scratch Rating of 70 and a Slope Rating of 122

CARE OF THE COURSE - all players must carry sand buckets

Ball Mark Repairs

Commence at the back of ball mark and push forward with pitch mark repairer. Do not lift upwards bring the soil to the surface. Attend to all sides of ball mark, easing/teasing turf forward to replace damaged area. (see Care of the Course pamphlet for details).
While waiting to putt, repair 2 or 3 other pitch marks.

Golf Carts

Golf Carts should be kept a minimum of 3 metres away from the green.

Give Way to Ground Staff

Ground staff have right of way at all times.

Divot Repairs

Fill divots on the tees.
Do not take a divot during a practice swing.
Do not overfill divots as the sand blunts the cutting edge of the mower blades.
Fill divots on the course as you play.


Enter Bunker from lowest point.
Rake surrounding area.
Pull rake towards you as you exit bunker.
Place rake at the base of the bunker facing the direction of play.

Enjoy your Golf Course - if every member follows these recommendations it will assist in keeping the course in good condition.


Members should have their membership bag tag attached to their bag visible at all times. Membership Card should be carried at all times whilst on the golf course and in the Club Rooms.


On Saturdays permission from the Captain or their representative must be obtained before any visitor may play in the competition.  No permission is required for visitors to play on any other day of the week.


Pro Shop

Monday - Sunday
7.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Telephone (03) 9707 1887 for bookings and cancellations.

Bar Hours

Mon Closed
Tue 10.00 am - 2.30pm
Wed 11.30 am - 2.00pm
Thu 10.00 am - CLOSE*
Sat 10.00 a.m. - CLOSE*
Fri & Sund - Closed April to October unless pre-booked
*The Thursday & Saturday closing times vary with seasonal demand


Dress must be neat & tidy at all times on the Course and in the Clubhouse

 For ALL MALES on the Course and in the Clubhouse:

  • ALL SHIRTS worn must be neat & tidy at all times
  • Sport Shirts & skivvies are acceptable
  • Unsavory motifs are NOT ACCEPTABLE on any clothing
  • FOOTWEAR must be worn at all times
  • SHORTS MUST be neat & tidy at all times - Football shorts & Stubbies are NOT ACCEPTABLE
  • Tracksuit pants are NOT ACCEPTABLE
  • JEANS must be neat & tidy at all times
  • SINGLETS are NOT ACCEPTABLE at any time
  • HATS are NOT to be worn in the Clubhouse

 For ALL FEMALES on the Course and in the Clubhouse:

  • Tailored slacks, shorts, skirts & skorts are acceptable
  • JEANS must be neat & tidy at all times
  • Tracksuit pants are NOT ACCEPTABLE
  • Unsavory motifs are NOT ACCEPTABLE on any clothing
  • FOOTWEAR must be worn at all times
  • HATS are NOT to be worn in the Clubhouse

For ALL GOLFERS on the Course:

  • FOOTWEAR worn must be appropriate for the conditions - THONGS are NOT ACCEPTABLE
  • In WET CONDITIONS it is recommended that golf shoes with appropriate & well-maintained soft spikes are worn

ALL VISITORS are required to respect these rules AT ALL TIMES

11 Tips to help speed up your round of golf

It is very easy for new (and not so new) golfers to spend in excess of 5 hours playing 18 holes.
There is no big secret to speeding up play. In fact there are many little things you can do that will save you a few seconds here or there. If these savings are factored out across each player in your group and across 9 or 18 holes the savings can be huge. E.g. if each player saved 1 minute of time per hole and there were three players in your group, your group will cut 27 minutes over 9 holes and 54 minutes over 18 holes. A big saving indeed. Here are 11 suggestions of how you can save time in your next game of golf:

  1. Walk quickly between shots. This doesn't mean you have to run; just walk at a good pace in between your shots.
  2. Be ready to play when it is your turn to play. You should have your club in hand and all you really need to do is have your practice swing, take your address and then hit the shot.
  3. Only have one practice swing before hitting a shot. Once practice swing should be all you need to loosen your muscles and give you the feel for the shot you are about to play.
  4. Mark your score card while someone else is playing a shot. Dont mark your score card when it is your turn to play. You can always mark the card while another in your group is playing their shot.
  5. Leave your golf clubs at the nearest exit point from the green to the next tee. If you are playing a course for the first time take note of the direction the group in front of you walk off the green you are playing to. This is where you should leave your clubs.
  6. Line up your putt while someone else is putting. While one of your playing partners are putting you can use this time to line up your putt (as long as you are not interfering with their shot). You can also learn from their putt if they are in a similar position to your ball.
  7. Assess your shot and club selection as you are walking along the fairway. As you are walking up the fairway you can assess some of the factors in playing your next shot. E.g. wind, (strength and direction), pin position, distance of the shot, lie of the land, etc.
  8. When in doubt play a Provisional Ball. If you think there is a possibility your ball may be lost or out of bounds hit a provisional ball. By doing so you eliminate the need to walk back to the position you played the last shot from and hit another shot should your ball be lost or out of bounds.
  9. Pick up your ball once you can no longer score. A point or half in par and stableford when playing in par and stableford events you have used all of your shots on a particular hole and can no longer register a score. You must pick up your ball.
  10. Warm up before you play your game. By warming up before you play your game you will increase the chance of hitting better shots which will allow you to have less shots per hole and therefore a quicker round and better score.
  11. Putt out if you are within 3 feet of the hole. Once your ball ends up within 3 feet of the hole it is a good idea to hole out (unless you will be standing on another players line). Although you may not be furthest from the hole you are permitted to hole out.